
Today I happened to attend one personality development session at my office.This session kept on coming for a long time and I used to move it aside. Today also i dint want to go to that but since my manager insisted on that, I attended. After attending I felt like I should have done it earlier. It was just a one hour session about how your attitude can change you life. There were some known things and some new ones. The guy presented it really well and one line which he told still remains in my mind i.e "It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude". Really true..He went on to say how the smallest and silliest things in your life play a major role in your attitude. He gave a simple example of snoozing the morning alarm, which am sure most of the people do, to get a few minutes more to sleep. That activity itself shows our innate nature of postponing things. Our days starts with that and everything gets postponed. My mom used to get up everyday at sharp 6, do all the household chores and leave on time as she had to catch her train to go to office. If she dint get up on time, not only her schedule, but my grandfather's, my father's, my sister's and my schedule will turn upside down. In her 25yr old career, there was not even a single day when our schedule got affected. She managed it very well and for us it seemed quite natural or should i say we took it for granted. When once she was taking rest for a month after a surgery, i took leave and went home for a week. I tried to take her place by waking up early and doing the tasks which she did. The same tasks which she used to perform and go to office tied me in the kitchen for almost a full day. It was not at all getting over.I was fed up with that after 2-3 days.Then I realized the effort she used to put in for those things. She never complained, never thought of it as a task. It was part of her life.Like this, there were several other situations which I think she was able to overcome only because of her attitude towards life.I think I have inherited that quality from her in small amounts. But still I have to go a long way to develop it fully. Another thing which struck a chord in today's session was the definition of attitude.."Attitude is the mental spectacle through which you see life." All out there, please think of this line whenever you feel like everything is going wrong in your life, there is some problem with the spectacle with which you are seeing life.I know I am not old enough to give lecture about these things. My life till now was not very hard...but then it was not a bed full of roses. There were thorns in between of which some I avoided, on some of which I stepped and then learned to avoid in future.
Let's change the spectacle that we have and try to get a new one thru which we will get a better, fresher vision of everything out there...