For you My Love...

Love is in the air, Whistling something for them to hear
Cupid is hiding in the corner, Waiting for them to appear
You stepped into my life as a friend, Lending me a shoulder when I was in need
Made me wait for my cell to beep, Feelings inside my mind ready to leap
Brushed aside the teasing of our friends, Thought U and me can never be anyone but friends
Silently wishing my thoughts should be wrong, hoping my life should take you along
Cupid struck finally, Meetings started in the college alley
Thanked my stars for sending you, started dreaming about a life with me and you
You filled my life with every colour of rainbow, I could do nothing but love u more and take a bow
You are the most precious gift I could ever get, I am the luckiest gal in the world I can bet
Overcame the hurdles that came our way, Which tried hard to take you away
Our love has become so strong and deep, Your trust is the thing I will always keep
Nothing can stop me from loving you, Our love so pure as the morning dew
I dont need anything else from life, except one and that is to become your wife
Happy Valentine's Day to all lovers out there..