Bookworm..! bak after a short break.. refreshed after getting few drops of rain from Kerala and Bangalore..and it was exactly FEW DROPS as it dint rain heavily :(.. but let not be greedy.. "something is better than nothing" as they say.. Ok so you checked my title..yeah am becoming exactly the same..'Bookworm'..I am glutting all the books that are coming my way..except my MBA books ;)..My father has a very good collection of books of almost all well-known malayalam authors. As a child I wished to have a library of my own when I build a house. For that, I started buying books soon I got a job. At first I used to bargain at the street shops and used to buy books for 70-80 bucks..My point was "it's only a book, so quality doesnt matter.." That time I was a fan of Daneille Steel and was searching for her book 'ZOYA' all over Bangalore and dint get it..Out of desperation I ordered for it at Landmark and that was the first original copy of a book I bought, and it felt nice in my hands..Then I remembered something one of my friend told "that if someday I publish my book(one of my dream), I would like people to buy the original copy of my book." From that day I started buying original copies.. I used to read non-Indian authors' books..Once I came across 'THE NAMESAKE' and it influenced me so much that I started reading contemporary Indian author's books..Those books became very close to my heart as all the things were very familar since it was about Indians.. It is not like I stopped reading other authors' books but I could relate more to Indian authors. I was able to see the places,the streets,the people in the books ..I could actually feel the taste and aroma of the food which the protagonists took.. I could experience the touch of the cold breeze playing with the heroine's lustrous hair..The stinking smell of the alleys..The cricket frenzy nation and superstitious people in "ZOYA FACTOR"...The independent life and freindship between Arshi and Topsy in "YOU ARE HERE"..The big fat Indian weddings in "FOR MATRIMONIAL PURPOSES"..The extended family of nana-nanis,dada-dadis,chacha-chachis, kaka-kakis, cousins, nieces, nephews, neighbours,friends..The struggle of a middle class muslim girl in "SALAAM PARIS" ..the list goes on....In short I became a part of each book not as a reader but as soemone close to them..a friend ..a family member..a colleague..or atleast an onlooker.. A relation was woven between me and them by the time I finished the book and that feeling used to linger within me atleast till I opened a new book..a new life..a new set of people... I just finished the book 'TRUST ME' or should I say I just stood back and supported Paro(the protagonist)to find her true love. I moved on to Paris to see how life is going to shape up for Maya(protagonist of the current book which am reading "A SUMMER IN PARIS")..Hope this summer I can explore Paris and also the lives and love of Maya and Prem..!