
As I walked through the barren roads, devoid of even a tint of green ,carrying my umbrella in all possible angles to shield myself from the rain, my mind drifted to the monsoon rains in Kerala. They say monsoon wait for the children to step out of their houses to go to school after a scrotching summer vacation. It will pour with full might and drench each and uniforms, new bags, new shoes everything..still we loved it..we complained if it doesn't come on the day when school reopens.. Roads will be filled with kids wearing raincoats in all colors of rainbow, the slightly bigger ones trying to hold the new umbrella's from being swayed away by the cool breeze.. I loved to sit in my veranda, watching the downpour, enjoying the smell of soil and sound of rain as it pelted against the asbestos sheet. The trees and plants suddenly seemed refreshed, they looked more greener than ever.. Yesterdays rain reminded me of all these things, even though rain in Bangalore is not like the majestic monsoon in Kerala..I was caught by a sudden bout of nostalgia..I miss the sudden crash of thunder (eventhough I hate it sometimes), the gittering streaks of lightning which used to light up my room in the midnights,the raindrops shattering against the windows and then slowly sliding down kissing the windowpanes on its way to the ground, children playing in the muddy playgrounds,the rare rainbows which forms in the clear sky and lots more.. Now-a-days sitting inside the air-conditioned skyscrapers, even though we are earning so much money, we are not able to satiate our soul which is yearning for those sweet little moments. Like they say "Kuch paane ke liye kuch khona padtha hein". This life was my choice and I have no regrets. It was a dream come true when I got job in Bangalore as I wanted to be here..I enjoyed each and every moment I spent here, enjoyed the kind of freedom which I am sure I wouldn't have got in my native. I found here a new life, new frenz, new surroundings and overall a new ME. Now I want to spread my wings to a wider horizon, move on, but my roots firmly in the place where I came from. I'm weaving a dream with open eyes about a day when I will be back to the place where I truly belong native..till then me and my reminiscences...