Nothing lasts forever...!!
People tell life will be boring if things stay as it is..monotonous..but doesn't everyone want good things to stay as it is..forever?
Around 6 years back I joined new company with lot of excitement and very less expectations. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. It exceeded all expectations. This is not about my professional life, but the people I met and the friends I made in my professional life. Few became more than just office friends, with whom I can share anything and everything. Going to office was more like fun than anything else. I looked forward to each and every day. My girl friends used to tell that unlike them I waited for Monday to go to office. It was true , I loved my dream team. Everyone who joined the team be it a junior or senior person, fell right into the groove.
It is a corporate world. People dont stay at one place forever, they move out, back and forth, some voluntarily while some are forced to. It never crossed my mind that I will consider moving out one day due to any reason other than when people higher up in the level decide to let me go. After refusing two offers in the past , when it came knocking my door again, my instant response was NO. Everyone tried to convince me that this is one of the best opportunities I will get - career wise and obviously money wise. The only thing I have to sacrifice for this was my team. It didn't make any sense then, it still doesn't. But then someone convinced me that the team is not gonna be there forever and at that time I might not have the right opportunity.
I have taken decision again, to move out and go to new place. The reasons are drastically different from first time. I am not even sure if I will regret this or not. One thing I am sure.. I won't have there , what I have here. But the decision has been made and there is no turning back. It sounded like the right thing to do , but will it be right for me? Only time will tell.
One thing I realized over the course of this - there is an expiry date for everything.. Good and bad. Nothing lasts forever !!