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Happy mother's day!

Our princess arrived one and half years back and I am still on cloud 9..we have been waiting for so long for this little bundle if joy. I used to think how will I feel when I first see her. Her loud cry woke me up from my sleep on that operation table and I was relieved that it's over and I 'll b able to see my baby soon. I remember nurse showing me her face, but all I could see was a bunch of black hair...we got her once I was back in the room and the journey of Parenthood started from there.. This post has been due since a year, better late than never..My second mother's day and the best day to pen down my thoughts on being a mother. I had all the emotions I was expecting..excitement, fear, happiness, worry. And one more feeling which I never thought I will have.. Guilt!!! I felt guilty of all the times when I spoke rudely to my Mom, when I didn't listen to her, when I didn't give her time. Every mom/dad would've told these lines at least once to her son/da...

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